Welcome to GWIS


The Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS) is a joint initiative of the GEO and the Copernicus Work Programs. In the GEO GWIS work program for the years 2023-2025, GWIS aims at bringing together existing information sources at regional and national levels in order to provide a comprehensive view and evaluation of fire regimes and fire effects at global level; the fires mapped in GWIS may include fires set intentially for the purpose of vegetation management.  Additionally, GWIS provides tools to support operational wildfire management from national to global scales.

GWIS builds on the ongoing activities of the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) Global Observation of Forest Cover- Global Observation of Land Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) Fire Implementation Team (GOFC Fire IT), and the associated Regional Networks, complementing existing activities that are on-going around the world with respect to wildfire information gathering. The development of GWIS is supported by the partner organizations and space agencies, while its main funding is provided by the European Commission. Support to GWIS was provided by NASA through its GEO-GWIS activities in the ROSES program .

Currently, GWIS is made of five applications:


GWIS Applications
Current Situation Viewer

Current Situation Viewer

Provides fire danger forecast up to 10 days in advance, 1-day lightning forecast and near-real time information on active fires...
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Current Statistics Portal

Current Statistics Portal

Statistics are provided at national level and for regions of interest, such as the “Brazilian Legal Amazon” and the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP).​​
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Country Profile

Country Profile

Provides historical overviews of fire regimes at country and sub-country level for the period 2002-2019.
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Long-term Forecast

Long-term fire weather forecast

Monthly and seasonal forecast of temperature and rainfall anomalies that are expected to prevail over the world.
Data & Services

Data & Services

Provides access to the data used in the GWIS applications. Data from the Current Situation Viewer are provided from the WMS.
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GWIS Projects


Support to Wildfire Management in LAC


The European Union and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are collaborating in the project Support to Forest Fire Management in Latin America and the Caribbean, an initiative that aims to improve national capacities to prevent forest fires from a regional perspective, relying on EU best practices: the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) and the European Group on Forest Fires (EGFF).


Iniciativa FPI

In this initiative, cooperation between country experts has been and is key to develop effective measures in all phases of fire management and monitoring.The project is implemented on a regional scale through two programmes:


  • - FPI Programme: 2020-2023

  • - Amazonia Plus Programme: 2023-2027

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