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In the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region, the national experts in wildfire management compose the Group of Experts on Forest Fires (GEFF LAC) to discuss, learn and exchange good practices. Meanwhile, several international organisations are active in environmental monitoring and management, such as the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). In addition, other intergovernmental organisations aim to promote sustainable development and social inclusion in the region, such as the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organisation (ACTO), which is active in the conservation of renewable natural resources with the objective of contributing to sustainable development and the maintenance of a clean and healthy environment in the Amazon. Representatives from seven Amazonian countries signed the Leticia Pact in 2019, which aims to protect the rainforest by expanding regional cooperation.

Close collaboration between the European Union, international organisations and the EGFF LAC is needed to minimise the impact of wildland fires in the region and improve fire policies at a national and regional level.   


Services of the

European Union

Latin America and the Caribbean

governments and fire services

(Group of Experts on Forest Fires - EGFF LAC)



Joint Research Centre (JRC) 


- Sierra de las Quijadas National Park. 
- Mario Gulich Institute for High Space Studies
(Instituto de Altos Estudios Espaciales Mario Gulich/ CONAE-UNC).
- National University of Patagonia  (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia/CIEFAP)
Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development:
-  National Fire Management Service
(Servicio Nacional de Manejo del Fuego/SNMF)
-  Secretariat of Environmental Control and Monitoring.
- Directorate of Projects with External Funding and International Cooperation.
- Undersecretariat of Risk Management and Civil Protection.
- Directorate for Forest Fire Fighting and Emergencies
(Dirección de Lucha contra Incendios Forestales y Emergencias/DLIFE).

 European Union (EU)

- EU Delegations
- European External Action Service (EEAS)
- European Commission

European External Action Service (EEAS)

- Latin America and the Caribbean


- Forest and Land Authority,
- Friends of Nature Foundation (Fundacion Amigos de la naturaleza/FAN)
- Ministry of Environment and Water (Ministerio de Ambiente y Agua/MMAyA).
- Vice-Ministry of Civil Defence (Viceministerio de Defensa Civil/VIDECI).
- General Directorate of Forest Management and Development (Dirección General de Gestión y Desarrollo Forestal/DGGDF).
- Authority for Social Control and Inspection of Forests and Land  (Autoridad de Fiscalización y Control Social de Bosques y Tierra/ABT).

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

- FAOLC, FAO Rome.

FPI (Foreign Policy Instruments)


- The Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis/IBAMA)
- National Centre for Preventing and Fighting Forest Fires (Centro Nacional de Prevenção e Combate aos Incêndios Florestais/PrevFogo)
- National Institute for Space Research (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais/INPE).

Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO/OTCA):

- ACTO Secretariat


- International Partnerships (INTPA)
- European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)
- Environment (ENV)
- Regional and Urban Policy (REGIO)
- Climate Action (CLIMA)
- Defence Industry and Space (DEFIS)


- National Forestry Corporation (Corporación Nacional Forestal/CONAF).
- Ministry of the Environment (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente /MMA).

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP):

UNEP - Latin America and Caribbean Countries Office.

European Union Delegations:

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador,
Guyana, Suriname, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.


Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies 
(Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales /IDEAM):
- Cooperation and International Affairs.
- Ecosystem Monitoring
- Environmental Information Management
- Monitoring of Forests and Forest Resources.
- National Unit for Disaster Risk Management 
(Unidad Nacional para la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres /UNGRD).
- Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.
- Amazonian Institute for Scientific Research
(Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas/SINCHI).
- National Fire Department of Colombia
(Direccion Nacional de Bomberos de Colombia/DNBC).
- National Natural Parks (Parques Nacionales Naturales/PNN).


Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition
(Ministerio del Ambiente, Agua y Transición Ecológica/MAATE):
- Secretariat for Risk Management.
-  National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Instituto Nacional de Metereología e Hidrología/INAMHI).
-  Undersecretary of Information and Risk Analysis (Subsecretario de Informacion y Analisis de Riesgos /SNGRE).
- National University of Loja.
- National University of Chimborazo.
- Secretariat of Risk Management

Guyana & Suriname:

Guyana Forestry Commission.
Ministry of Defense of Suriname:
-  National Coordination Center For Disaster Relief (NCCR)


- National Forestry Institute(Instituto Forestal  Nacional/INFONA).
- National Board of Voluntary Firefighters of Paraguay.
- Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development  (Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible/MADES).
Government of Paraguay:
- General Directorate of Analysis and Public Policies Technical Secretariat of Planning (Dirección General de Análisis y Políticas Públicas Secretaría Técnica de Planificación/STP).
- National Emergency Secretariat.
- Paraguayan Space Agency (Agencia Espacial del Paraguay/AEP).
- National Emergency Secretariat (Secretaria de Emergencia Nacional/SEN).
- National Directorate of Civil Aeronautics (Dirección Nacional de Aeronáutica Civil/DINAC).
- Directorate of Meteorology and Hydrology (Dirección de Meteorología e Hidrología/DMH).
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Directorate of International Cooperation.
- General Directorate of Public Policy Analysis.
- National Cadastre Service.


Government of Peru:
- National Forest and Wildlife Service (Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre/SERFOR).
- Ministry of Environment (Ministerio del Ambiente/MINAM).
- National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado/SERNANP).
- National Centre for Disaster Risk Estimation, Prevention and
Reduction of Disaster Risk  (Centro Nacional de Estimación, Prevención y Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres/CENEPRED).
- National Civil Defence Institute (Instituto Nacional De Defensa Civil/INDECI).
- National Forest Conservation Programme for Climate Change Mitigation (Programa Nacional de Conservación de Bosques para la Mitigación del Cambio Climático/PNCBMCC).
- General Directorate of Forestry and Wildlife Information and Management.


Government of Mexico:
- National Forestry Commission (Comisión Nacional Forestal/ CONAFOR)


Government of Uruguay:
- National Fire Department
- National Emergency System (Sistema Nacional de Emergencias/SINAE).
- Sustainable Forest Management Division, General Forestry Directorate of the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries.